Ian Kadish

My name is Ian Kadish and I recently graduated from Marshall University with a degree in Business Management and minors in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have three younger brothers, Kendall, Max, and Cooper. I have played baseball my entire life and am lucky enough to have the opportunity to continue playing for the Toronto Blue Jays.

I want to thank my Mom and Dad for everything they have ever done to further my baseball career. They have gone through a tremendous amount of work to make sure I am happy and I couldn't thank them enough! I love you guys.

Please feel free to leave comments! Enjoy...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

Today is Veteran's Day and I want to take a moment to thank all the men and women that have served this country.  This country would not be where it is today without them and they are the reason we have the freedom we have.  Both men and women have sacrificed their lives for this country and there is no greater thing you can do for your country than serve in the military.

It also puts into perspective how lucky we are as a country.  I, myself, am extremely lucky and I couldn't be  more thankful.  I am able to live out my childhood dream of playing baseball and one day hope to make the dream come true and play in the big leagues.  I am also lucky enough to have a college degree that not everybody is able to receive.  This will be with me forever and nobody will be able to take it away from me.  I am truly thankful for everything and everybody I have in my life.  I am thankful for have loving parents and 3 awesome younger brothers.  I wouldn't change it for the world.

Everybody knows a person that has served or is serving this country in one way or another.  They have touched millions of people's lives and we should all be very thankful for them.  If there is a veteran reading this or somebody that is serving us right now, I want to personally thank you for everything you have done for this country.  We all really appreciate it and we would not be where we are today without you guys!

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