Ian Kadish

My name is Ian Kadish and I recently graduated from Marshall University with a degree in Business Management and minors in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have three younger brothers, Kendall, Max, and Cooper. I have played baseball my entire life and am lucky enough to have the opportunity to continue playing for the Toronto Blue Jays.

I want to thank my Mom and Dad for everything they have ever done to further my baseball career. They have gone through a tremendous amount of work to make sure I am happy and I couldn't thank them enough! I love you guys.

Please feel free to leave comments! Enjoy...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's about time...

The first part of this week has been a much needed one, because I finally found a job.  I'm going to be working at Dick's Sporting Goods in Team Sports Sales.  It's about time I found a job (I know my dad is happy).  The interview was not your typical interview either.  The guy only wanted to talk about baseball, the Blue Jays, and minor league baseball, which I had no problem doing because I felt more comfortable doing that compared to a typical interview anyway.  

I had ONLY applied to about 20 different places...I never thought getting a job would be as hard as it was.  I think I had a hard time because I have never had a job before in part because I have never had any time.  That made it more difficult for me because more often than not, places would rather hire somebody with experience.  Ever since I can remember, I have been busy with baseball or some other sport and have not had the time to get a job (Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about it).  A great deal of stress was lifted off my chest when I was offered the job and I feel so relieved to finally have been hired.  I actually look forward to working because it will keep me busy...is that bad? 

I go in tomorrow at 3 for orientation.  I am not sure what orientation/training will consist of, but it can't be too hard...

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