Ian Kadish

My name is Ian Kadish and I recently graduated from Marshall University with a degree in Business Management and minors in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have three younger brothers, Kendall, Max, and Cooper. I have played baseball my entire life and am lucky enough to have the opportunity to continue playing for the Toronto Blue Jays.

I want to thank my Mom and Dad for everything they have ever done to further my baseball career. They have gone through a tremendous amount of work to make sure I am happy and I couldn't thank them enough! I love you guys.

Please feel free to leave comments! Enjoy...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Twitter Questions

I  am very active on twitter in part because it is accessible on my phone at anytime.  My twitter name is Bearjew36, feel free to follow me if you have a twitter!  I recently posted on Twitter if anybody had any questions or topics they would like me to discuss in my next blog entry.  One of the topics thrown out was what we do on bus trips to make the time go by quicker?

Thankfully, the bus trips that we have had have not been long at all.  I think the longest bus trip this year has been 4 hours so we have been lucky with that, but as far as passing time most people sleep or at least try to sleep on the bus.  I know I have no problem sleeping on the bus because I have been out on every bus trip.  I will put my headphones in and listen to music until I am out cold.  I know other people bring their laptops or ipads and watch movies on the bus.  Everybody kind of does their own thing, either watching movies, sleeping, or listening to music.  People also play games on their phones or computers if they can.

Another question that was asked via Twitter was, what has been the most rewarding part of the season so far?

If I had to pick one thing that I will always remember from the season so far, it would have to be the people that I have met and/or played against.  I have played against some very high round draft picks and am playing with some high round draft picks.  Some of the guys that I played against will be in the Major Leagues in a few years.  The relationships that I have developed on my team with some of my teammates I will never forget as well.  Although the season is not over, that has to be the most rewarding part so far.  Hopefully we can win a ring here in a couple weeks and that will be right up there as well!

Both questions were asked by April Whitzman.  She works for the website Jaysprospects.com which is also a very cool website that is worth checking out for information on BlueJays minor leaguers.

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